Average ages we are hitting life’s milestones

couple standing outside new home with keys

A new study from Confused.com has revealed the average ages we are hitting life's milestones in England & Wales, including getting married at age 35! So how does your milestone timeline compare?

Life's Biggest Milestones in England & Wales

Milestone - Average Age

  • Move Out of Parents House 20
  • Move in with Partner 27
  • First Child 29
  • First Home 32
  • Marriage 35
  • Divorce 46
  • Pension Age 68
  • Death 80
Typically, the first milestone people in the UK reach is moving out of their parent's home at age 20, followed by moving in with their partner at 27. The next life milestone those in the UK usually meet is having their first child, with couples seeming to have children before marriage. The average age for having children is 29, while the average age for getting married is 35. The data also suggests that on average, people are choosing to have children before purchasing a property. This could be a result of house prices continuing to rise making it harder to save for a deposit. On average, UK citizens buy their first home aged 32, 12 years after they typically move out of their parent's home. Although divorce is not a typical milestone many people 'aim' for, it can be recognised that divorces are most common at age 46.

You can view the full research here: confused.com

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